Sophia Mallie

Sophia first found yoga when she was moving forward in a dancing career, but having a hard time in life.

Through the struggle of perfectionism, self-criticism, and an eating disorder, she found healing in yoga. Her passion is to help others feel at home in their body and more happiness in their life.

Her classes weave a combination of uplifting music, intelligent sequencing, emphasis on proper alignment, and breathing techniques. She is known for her calm nature and ability to provide support to the needs of each student.

Sophia’s teaching style is inspired by her world-acclaimed teachers: Sharon Gannon and David Life of Jivamukti Yoga. Other teachers she's been lucky to study with are Janet Stone, Kia Miller, Jason Crandell, and Shiva Rae.

When she isn't on the yoga mat, you'll find her hiking, dancing, singing, or making mischief somewhere with her niece and nephew.


Simone Hill Okafor


Supreet Kaur