At Arise Yoga, we believe in a person’s right to choose the path that makes the most sense to them and their understanding of a life most governed by personal sovereignty. We support full reproductive rights under the umbrella of human rights. And so, in response to the changing laws of our country, we’ve dedicated a monthly class at the studio, taught by a different teacher each time, to funding access to safe abortion care for those who need it most.
Come practice for your own right to bodily autonomy. Practice for your neighbor’s right to bodily autonomy. Not only will you be contributing monetarily to this cause, but you’ll also be putting strong vibrational energy towards a world where everyone’s choices are heard, respected, and headed. There’s lot we can do together, so let’s start.
These classes will be by donation (a suggested minimum amount of $5), with 100% of the proceeds going to The National Network of Abortion Funds .