VINO VIBES, is an enchanting evening of creation curated and hosted by NYC artist and Arise Yoga Studio Manager, Simone Ellove King.
Where wine, artist, intellectuals, creatives, and entrepreneurs connect to share elevated vibrations with the most abundance and thoughtful offerings of expression.
With wine as the centerpiece of VINO VIBES that keeps this magical evening fluid, presented are beautiful people, rising entrepreneurs, wine tastings and a open welcoming to diverse artist to share on stage and create in the moment, along with special performances and an amazing house band on tap. VINO VIBES is a space to lift and inspire spirits, nurture artistic connections, and provide freedom to all in all. Most of all, VINO VIBES fosters a safe-haven of love and elevated vibrations for all performers and audience members alike –because we need it.
Curated & Hosted by : Simone Ellove King (Artist & Studio manager)
TANSU - @iamtansu
SHAUNY- @itsjustshauny
Prepare to immerse yourself in a grounding meditation experience held by Yoga & Meditation teacher and Founder or Yuja Yoga :Yoga for Black Woman ( , Tonie Warner.
Musicians, poets, writers, dancers, all creatives welcome to share and perform.
Wine and bites will be included!
Check out Website for more details : | Follow on Instagram @vinovibess
Investment: $65
Arise members receive 15% off, use code MEMBER15 at checkout